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작성자: Aynge 6/6/2019 7:25:44 PM

The Alpha and Omega [Recruitment of Solo Players Looking for a Home]

The clan has been dead for a while, I'm looking to revive it! I'm the only active member at the moment but I'm trying to pick up like-minded people who also have no one to play with. The clan consisted of Weebs and Twitch followers/friends who were mostly casual but also endgame. I've been a hardcore Destiny player since D1! I haven't been playing much since the launch of D2, just a bit of every expansion here and there since I had no one to play with. Thought I should open up the clan and see if there are other solos who want to build and play together. If you are interested I've opened the clan up. Feel free to join the discord! Must message a mod after you join so we could give you a role, this is to avoid trolls who come in and post inappropriate shit :)

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