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작성자: SymphoniC 6/28/2019 2:13:12 PM

I Have Emerged from Gambit Hell and I am Here to Warn You

I just played a "game" of Gambit Prime wherein all three of my "teammates" were afk, and all three were using bots so as not to be kicked from the game. The best part is that the enemy team had 2/4 players afk! What ensued was pure hilarity. It was one mote-banker (me) vs. two, with invasions coming every 5 minutes or so. Each of us would farm the afk players and get into a ridiculously one-sided fight vs. the people who were actually playing, as it's kind of difficult to fend off invaders when you have no team. Anyway, the game ran out of time before either of us could bank 100 motes and then promptly whisked us into the primeval stage in a race to the finish! Except we ran out of time there, too, whereupon the game was declared a "tie." My two opponents who were actually playing the game--being sane, reasonable people, I assume--immediately fled the game, leaving the two afk botters. As soon as the new round began, two new, innocent players joined the battlefield. They had no idea what they were in for. As you might imagine, this round transpired exactly the same as the previous one. 1v2 with a total of 5 FRUITING AFK BOTTERS. Literally a MAJORITY of the players in the "game" were bots. The only upside to this utter debacle was that I was able to complete the remaining 4% of my Gambit medals to finish the Hush quest. I hate leaving games and only go afk if something unexpected occurs and I have to get up from my PC, so I tried to stick it out as long as I could. When it became clear that this second round was also running out of time and heading to the tiebreaker, I just had to quit. The piece de resistance of the entire experience occurred when I logged back in only to be chided by the Drifter on the negative impacts leaving games has on the community. I'm convinced: he truly is evil and I'm glad I chose against him last season. I don't mean to get religious on anyone here, but for those of you who don't believe in hell, just wait until you're placed into a game like this. If there's one serious takeaway from all of this, Bungie, PLEASE stop rewarding players for completing games without any kind of in-game metric (5 kills in Crucible, 10 motes banked in Gambit, whatever, just ANYTHING). As long as these completion rewards exist, self-centered idiots will always abuse the system and absolutely ruin the game for those of us who are interested in actually playing it. *edited for wording*

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  • Exactly what OP said except applied to the event. Absolutely ruining the experience of both Gambit and the Solstice of Heroes. Bungie, please, for the love of all that is Destiny, fix this.

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  • PC Master race my arse then.

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  • I played a ton of regular Gambit on my way to Dredgen. Enjoyed the grind for the most part, but I just can’t get into “Invader Prime”. The invasion spam just gets really old unless both teams have decent invaders.

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    5 답변
    • I tried Gambit. Fell asleep. We should just change the name to Sleep Aid.

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    • Just PC things

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    • AFK players are EVERYWHERE. This needs to stop.

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    • Afk bots? Boy you smoking something

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      2 답변
      • bring back no land beyond

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        2 답변
        • You have zero proof they were using “bots”, I mean give me a break. I let my 6 year old play on my character and I’m sure a conspiracy theorist May think he is a “bot” because he has no real concept of what to do but that’s a real stretch

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          4 답변
          • Must be a PC issue never seen this on xbox I've seen afk ppl but they get booted and that's rare even

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          • 1
            But but but pc master race This is why no one wants cross play with pc

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            3 답변
            • People still Gambit?

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              8 답변
              • The number of posts about afk and bots on PC, more than posts on either of the two other platforms, essentially wards me away from switching to PC. It sounds like to me that it is common enough to have half a million post here and on Reddit.

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                5 답변
                • [quote]I just played a "game" of Gambit Prime wherein all three of my "teammates" were afk, and all three were using bots so as not to be kicked from the game. The best part is that the enemy team had 2/4 players afk! What ensued was pure hilarity. It was one mote-banker (me) vs. two, with invasions coming every 5 minutes or so. Each of us would farm the afk players and get into a ridiculously one-sided fight vs. the people who were actually playing, as it's kind of difficult to fend off invaders when you have no team. Anyway, the game ran out of time before either of us could bank 100 motes and then promptly whisked us into the primeval stage in a race to the finish! Except we ran out of time there, too, whereupon the game was declared a "tie." My two opponents who were actually playing the game--being sane, reasonable people, I assume--immediately fled the game, leaving the two afk botters. As soon as the new round began, two new, innocent players joined the battlefield. They had no idea what they were in for. As you might imagine, this round transpired exactly the same as the previous one. 1v2 with a total of 5 FRUITING AFK BOTTERS. Literally a MAJORITY of the players in the "game" were bots. The only upside to this utter debacle was that I was able to complete the remaining 4% of my Gambit medals to finish the Hush quest. I hate leaving games and only go afk if something unexpected occurs and I have to get up from my PC, so I tried to stick it out as long as I could. When it became clear that this second round was also running out of time and heading to the tiebreaker, I just had to quit. The piece de resistance of the entire experience occurred when I logged back in only to be chided by the Drifter on the negative impacts leaving games has on the community. I'm convinced: he truly is evil and I'm glad I chose against him last season. I don't mean to get religious on anyone here, but for those of you who don't believe in hell, just wait until you're placed into a game like this. If there's one serious takeaway from all of this, Bungie, PLEASE stop rewarding players for completing games without any kind of in-game metric (5 kills in Crucible, 10 motes banked in Gambit, whatever, just ANYTHING). As long as these completion rewards exist, self-centered idiots will always abuse the system and absolutely ruin the game for those of us who are interested in actually playing it. *edited for wording*[/quote] So...what you're saying is....buff Lord of wolves. Got it, brah.

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                  2 답변
                  • 5 kills in crucible!! I'd loves players on my team that could get that many 😟

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                  • 작성자: vitisku1 6/29/2019 9:38:41 PM
                    After solo queuing every pinnacle crucible weapon (except mountaintop, cos -blam!- that) I can honestly say...5 crucible kills in one game to count as not being afk is far too high. There's people that consider that a personal best

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                    1 답변
                    • I was with you until you mentioned you sided with that irritant, Aunor.

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                    • pc problems....... yawn

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                    • wouldnt be suprised if they are server generated players.

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                      2 답변
                      • You do know that nothing meaningful in your life changes whether to win or lose a game of Gambit, don't you? Just load into the next one and go again.

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                        16 답변
                        • Did you report all 5 AFK players? That way they can be eventually looked into and hopefully punished.

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                          3 답변
                          • Yeah and the icing is if you back out of a game like that the game scolds you for leaving early.

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                          • Lol! Sounds kinda fun actually

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                            1 답변
                            • Damn I wish this could happen to me once. That would've been an easy fast fill medal.

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                              1 답변
                              • That's hilarious lol. I think that's only a PC thing, but they should do something about it.

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                                2 답변
                                • Gambit prime is only 1 round so how did you have a 2nd one with all the same players?

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