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작성자: Knavenformed 7/19/2019 12:31:06 PM

New Crucible TTK

Last time I seriously played Destiny was in Black Armory, now I've come back to enjoy the game again with the all the annual pass stuff. I have to say Crucible is the worst it has ever been in Destiny in my opinion, I mean I endured the Thorn fiesta in D1 and somehow this is worse. Now it seems like everyone is dying so fast, peeking is nonexistent and usually the first shot seems to matter the most. I get that the fast Time To Kill favors really good players and competetive people, but come on, sweating over the Crucible is the most worthless thing ever. Most people can't even reach a 1.5-1.8 KDA. Crucible is a fantastic casual way to enjoy PvP alongside PvE. You just can't balance Destiny to be a competetive game, ever. And it shouldn't be. There are many games that tried to be "eSports ready" and their fame faded quite fast because they had nothing to offer to the bigger side of their communities. If you truly are a competetive player, even when the Sandbox favours more casual players you will reign supreme. You'll always have a system to master, but with more players to enjoy it with you. Hunters used to be the best PvP class, and with the changes they are even better, more mobility, evade, better jump. Titans and Warlocks are target practice when they jump now. I don't have inhuman reactions, but I can usually think fast, it saved me a lot of times before but now just not. This might be just me reminiscin over me being on top as a pub-stomper, but I feel like if I can't enjoy it casually, how can the people who play a lot less and worse than me? And what about newcomers in New Light F2P Destiny? Of course I don't know the community behind the change, so if there's a lot of you that like the faster based more action less thinking gameplay let me know.

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  • haven't been a fan of crucible since the go fast update. use to be able to leverage strategy and cunning to out play my opponents. lower TTK really killed that.

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  • More players, as we all get bored, are diving into synergy builds with armor and class perks. This has a huge effect on ttk. Outside of a few things, to me, pvp is in a better spot. There are so many options that can change the flow of a game and how an opposing team is playing. Getting rushed with the last words and shotguns? Use rat king. If the rat king is masterworked, it is a huge life saver and a lot of fun with a high risk high reward feel. Have team holding hands and afraid to fight? Put on that telesto and get them separated. I could keep going. I checked out your Titan.. and I do not know what you main and skill truly has the best results, but I looked at your synergy.. there was not really any. ^^^ this does not “mean” anything.. as in you are probably a better player than I am per skill... but having an armor set that is in full synergy with your weapons does in fact improve your ttk being that every shot matters. With the menagerie cheese, players were able to finally focus on builds and get the armor perks they have been wanting. To really enjoy destinys quickplay, unfortunately, you do have to combat the cheeky things that are in the game... and to do so takes those god roll weapons... domino effect if you will. The only thing outside of full blown advantage players(Ie modded controllers or modded keyboard and mouse with a xim connector), pvp is now more about reacting. As in, having two or so optional builds on you to combat scenarios.. and to me, this is far better than what it use to be.

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    • 작성자: EXALTEDoreo 7/19/2019 1:16:06 PM
      Nothing has particularly changed that has lowered the ttk. Tbh the ttk in destiny is in a good spot. Not so slow that it’s easy af to disengage from a losing engagement but not so fast that you can’t back away from a fight if your initial positioning was good.

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      • I don’t think the TTK has got faster since Black Armoury. It’s sitting around 0.8-0.87 seconds with the ‘meta’ primary weapons. Pre Opulence the prevalence of Luna/NF meant TTK was around 0.67 a lot of the time so I’d say primary weapons are much closer at the moment. Maybe more people are using Erentil and Snipers now so primary duals in the mid range aren’t quite as common as before.

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