I'v done the "Allegiance" quest but the Drifter gave me nothing.
I got no rewards after spending hours on that quest.
Ikora has nothing to say to me and i'v already talked to the Drifter (who gave me nothing except for a nice message).
[b]what am i suppost to do? how do i get the rewards? [/b]
pls help, thx.
The allegiance quest only mattered during the Season of the Drifter. During that season you got weekly rewards. Now it gives nothing upon completion.
Same reason why calus’s bounties state they give glimmer when they actually don’t, and why heroic story missions/adventures do not give any rewards whatsoever. Bungie intentionally makes the game unrewarding because they are shitty, incompetent, greedy developers.
What was the final step you completed before you reached the impasse you are currently in?