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10/29/2019 4:15:36 PM

Invalid Values (Display Name, Unique ID)

Hello, Trying to contact Bungie about this, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what their support email is or where their helpdesk system is located. They might just not have any of that turned on, which is a real bummer. If that's the case I'm hoping they can provide support through these forums. I'm trying to have my display name and my unique ID be what I use for everything else: [b]7adyfingers[/b]. When I put that in for the unique ID, it says, "unique ID must start with a letter," even though by default it's just a string of numbers. When I put that in for display name, it says, "display name has an invalid value," even though I see numbers being used in other display names everywhere. What's going on here and how can this be fixed? Thanks.

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