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작성자: FoxByte 3/21/2020 11:12:22 AM

[PS4] Kingdom Bound. A ChristianGaming Family

Hello, Guardians! I’d like to invite you all to come join our clan Kingdom Bound. [b][u]Who We Are[/u][/b] Kingdom Bound is a Christian Gaming Clan, devoted to serving the Lord Jesus Christ while we play. Whether gaming alone or with others, we strive to bring God glory in our actions. We're not perfect, but God molds us into His creation each day. Kingdom Bound is a place that many have considered a home, where we are all one big gaming family. Many of us have been around since the good old days of Destiny where Atheon sits on his throne of Mythoclasts. [b][u]What We Do[/u][/b] Every Saturday we host a clan raid for any inexperienced Guardians or for anyone who’s looking to have some awesome fun while getting epic loot. Things we love doing as a clan : • Strikes • Patrols • Nightfall • Crucible • Iron Banner • Trials of Osiris • Raids • Gambit (I could’ve just said “everything” huh? 😉) [b][u]Communications[/u][/b] Everyone in Kingdom Bound socializes with each other in our Band page. There we voyage past the horizon of Destiny and expand our reach to other games. We also offer several channels for prayer and encouragement, and every so often you may find yourself in the midst of a Clan Challenge. Over the past four months, Kingdom Bound has undergone reconstruction. We seen many people come and go, whether life got in the way or the love for Destiny dwindled, many have fallen to the darkness. Now the time has come, and what better time to relaunch Kingdom Bound than at the beginning of a new season! So we are proud to open our gates to the public and invite you all to come join our gaming family! [b][u]Signing Up[/u][/b] If you’d like to become apart of our Christian Gaming Family, leave a comment saying you’re interested or just shoot me a message on PSN or BNet @ScarletFox97 [b]Bungie Clan Page[/b]:

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