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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
3/21/2020 6:13:43 PM

suspended from survival... again...

is there any news on if you guys are going to be fixing the server issues that have come up this season... do you guys have any idea whats wrong? this is the season of disconnects. its effecting what activities i can do tremendously. had to give up on the 1030 nightmare hunt cause my teammate and i both kept getting removed from the game world one after another. then wed spawn in and nothing was there... no enemies or teammates. garden of salvation raid we were having the same problem. 2 players kept getting removed. this has never been a problem for at least 90% of us that are having it happen now. on a side note this is the season i would be going unbroken, except i get disconnected every couple games before it even starts which leads to my score going way down and also a suspension which doesnt allow me to even enter anymore. am i going to get banned from all these suspensions if i keep trying to play survival or what? id be pretty salty if that happens.

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