Resissued weapons with higher power caps? (Someone at Bungie please explain the mindest)
Am I correct in assuming that an older gun (Take Gnawing Hunger Auto rifle for example) that I have in my vault has a lower power cap than the EXACT SAME GUN issued in season of Arrivals? If so, why?! When reissuing guns, why not increase the power cap of the older version of THE SAME GUN? NO ONE wants to farm for the same exact gun more than once. Its difficult to become engaged and excited over something we already had once. With the current mindset, there is NO reason to keep a gun once it has sunset. Even when an older gun comes back as a reissue, the versions we own in our vaults will have a SEVERE power level disadvantage making them useless in high end activities. Therefore, there is also NO reason to grind for ANY gun that isn't currently relevant. Players will farm the 3-5 currently viable guns for end game activities and then wait until next season to play again. I think that many players (including myself) have farmed for non-meta guns hoping they would one day shine with the right sandbox change. Now, all that work has been completely wasted. Those god-rolls in our vaults will never have their day in the light. The only reason to keep an old gun now is for sentimental value. My proposal is simple: Continue forward with sunsetting weapons. I actually thought it was a great idea at first. Without it, power creep is inevitable and players who missed out on "the best" guns are punished permanently. Also, sunsetting will keep the PVE and PVP metas fresh and rotating. If you want to compare Destiny to a card game, realize that when old cards get reprinted the older copy becomes legal to play too! When a new pack comes out in Magic the Gathering, I don't need to acquire 4 copies of Llanowar Elves again to play my standard green deck. When you DO reissue an old gun, REWARD the players who held onto the old copy of these guns and increase its power cap to match that of the reissue. If we begin taking away reasons to grind for weapons, we begin to take away reasons to play Destiny. And that's how this community will begin to fall. I know I don't want that. Do you?
Everyone who was against sunsetting knew this was coming. But people fought us and defended bungies scheme anyways. And bungie went through with it despite month long backlash on multiple different forums.