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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Spriggy 6/21/2020 7:06:21 AM

PVP is Unplayable

Why is Bungie ignoring such a widespread and serious issue? Hackers own comp and trials right now, and all we get from Bungie is, "Uh, we have anti-cheat, we promise, we just can't tell you anything about it and it doesn't prevent anything." For the few of us that refuse to cheat, titles and rewards have become unreachable. No plan. No recompense. Bungie, you have the framework for the ultimate game and I am sick of seeing you throw away so much potential. Streamers are leaving, players are frustrated, does anyone at Bungie even log into the game? I hate pvp, but I'll never be done with it since I can't get my 3rd Legend over these hackers, and I won't enter trials a 2nd time because I don't want to give those cheaters an easy win.

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