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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: ShotgunWaifu 12/10/2020 10:25:38 AM

Destiny 1, PlayStation 5 Digital Edition

[b]Context:[/b] [spoiler]I’m a D1 veteran since the PS3 beta, and going through old trophies lately I realised I’ve almost got the platinum. Just gotta do a flawless raid (probably a threesome in Crota’s End), and fully unlock a Titan subclass (oh no). That being said, D1 won’t launch on PS4 without a disc, and my PS5 doesn’t even have a disc drive.[/spoiler] [b](Re)Bought copies of Destiny:[/b] [spoiler]Base game for PS3 (physical), somekinda edition of Taken King with Dark Below and House of Wolves plus armoury pack (???) for PS3 (physical), then both of those physical editions again in same order but for PS4, Rise of Iron for PS4 (digital), and for whatever reason Destiny The Collection for PS4 (physical).[/spoiler] I would want to get the platinum trophy on the PS5, but because I technically don’t own the base game digitally, I can’t even play the damn thing on the Digital Edition-console. Feeling iffy about spending 60-70€ on The Collection digitally, so; [b]what version of the game do I need to buy on the PSN store to be able to play the game and have access to everything I’ve already paid for, without rebuying what I don’t have to?[/b]

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