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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
12/14/2020 12:28:27 PM

Petition to put Queenbreaker's Bow back in the energy slot

Give Queenbreaker's back it's Bow


Leave it as a heavy


I saw a rant post about Arbalest that reminded me of something that bother's me. Queenbreaker's Bow was added back ages ago and despite being my favorite HoW gun from D1 and favorite linear fusion in general, it's kinda bad now. It's being held back by the fact that it's a heavy, in D1 it shined because it was a special. You even brought back Lord of Wolves and that was left in the energy slot, so why was Queenbreaker's targeted? Even after adding in arbalest in the [b]KINECTIC[/b] slot. You gave us the Queenbreaker's, but kept the bow part. I say put it in the energy slot, and put "Bow" back in the name. I'll take 2 shots over not seeing anyone use this amazing weapon. [spoiler]Or at least give us back no land beyond[/spoiler]

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