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작성자: Keria 1/16/2021 12:26:26 AM

Spell Contest:Week 2! (RP) LOCKED TO NEWCOMERS

[i]Right where the last flyer was, another appears, stapling itself to the pole. It says to go right to the same townhouse, and that the expectations will be greater this time![/i] [spoiler]This is a continuation of my last post! Look in the tag MagicContest for the first one. [/spoiler] [i]Winner of Last "Week's" Round:TheDragonLord83 for his delectable deluge of sweets! DM me for your prize![/i] [spoiler]And for the record, you CANNOT do the same thing you did last time! For an example of what would be rather good in this section, John Watson's attempt last time would have won here.[/spoiler]

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