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작성자: Double07 1/12/2021 6:43:10 AM

I hate the Big Bang theory and my roommate is driving me crazy

So I have a roommate that watches the Big Bang theory like every day and likes to talk about it with me. I hate it I hate it I hate it!!! I loathe The Big Bang Theory with the white-hot fury of 1,000 suns. How many times do I have to say it, BAZINGA IS NOT FUNNY! SHELDON IS NOT FUNNY! HOWARD IS NOT FUNNY! LEONARD IS NOT FUNNY! RAJ IS NOT FUNNY! AND AMY IS ESPECIALLY NOT FUNNY! The Big Bang Theory is simply not funny! It’s not, no matter how many times you include the laugh track it's just NOT FUNNY. And if you’re thinking to yourself, “But it is!”, you’re just wrong. Sorry, but your brain is wired incorrectly. How on earth does this show have more than 10 season and why does it generate a huge fanbase? And the writing is abysmal. The viewers think they are some sort of geniuses because they understand the basic high school math references and feel as if they're as smart as the physicist. There are also basic science references that make the audience feel soooo smart but they're basic at best such as: "I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker." (CANNED LAUGHTER) The formula, for damn near every joke, is as follows. Nerds are so gosh darn nerdy that they can’t act normal in regular life! Wash. Rinse. Repeat. For example, here’s a bit of gut-busting dialogue that’d surely crack up the CBS writing room: “Sheldon, do you want a piece of pie?” “A piece of pie? Are you asking if I want to divide 3.14? If so, what should I divide it by? (pulls out calculator)” (CANNED LAUGHTER) No one cares about Soft Kitty or that annoying chick Bernadette. I would rather watch a CW show than endure reruns of the Big Bang Theory, everyone I know either hates the show or absolutely loves it, my friend watches the show daily and every time we hang out and I'm driving us around the block and he makes a "funny" Bazinga joke I want to jump out of my moving car. But if you think there's nothing to rant about anymore because the show is over well you're WRONG! A spinoff show of the Big Bang Theory was made and focuses on the WORST CHARACTER in the show as Young Sheldon. I already found first Sheldon annoying in the original show but having him as a smartass child with his religious parents just makes the humor much more unbearable. In Young Sheldon, the Dad likes sports and other stereotypical manly things and is also a couch potato, just like every other sitcom dad trope like the dad in The Goldbergs (which I also hate but not to the extend of The Big Bang Theory because there is no reason for it to have lasted this long and be an American TV icon). Sheldon and his dad are polar opposites and the writers think that this is funny even though this formula has been seen in movies, TV shows, and books HUNDREDS of times. There was this one episode where the dad wants Brisket and he goes to his wife and yells "WHERES MY BRISKET!" and that was supposed to be the funniest thing ever. So no, I will not buy any Sheldon Funko Pops, I will not buy that Bazinga shirt, and I will never think that knocking on a door three times and saying the residents name is the pinnacle of comedy. I HATE THE BIG BANG THEORY and my teacher back in high school who would not stop referencing the show in chemistry this is why you never had engaging students like the time you said that a student reminded you of Raj because he couldn't talk to girls without getting nervous. Whenever I'm in a study group and I hear a quirky kid say a bazinga joke I try to join another study group because if I have to hear Bazinga one more time I'm going to go into cardiac arrest! The average viewer of these shows have to be geriatric octogenarians that sip wine and think Howard is hot, no sane young person would binge watch this show and not get bored there is a reason why they only screen two episodes at a time because if they let it play nonstop the viewer would start seeing a pattern in how the show is written. At least in Young Sheldon there is no laugh track and no bazingas but I still hate it I hate it I hate it. Anyone who thinks this show is the epitome of sitcoms needs to reevaluate their choices. No there is no "I don't need sleep I need answers" moment here, its that plain and simple, The Big Bang Theory is a horrible show.

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