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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
5/24/2021 12:34:30 PM

The toxicity of lfg VoG teams

It’s bad enough the changes they made with the oracles but the toxicity and elitism of people in these lfg groups is unbelievable. My clan was short 2 guys so we ended up using lfg and found some people to fill the spots. These 2 guys said they had an Atheon checkpoint and ask if we could start there and they’d help us with the beginning parts after so we agreed. Now this was our very first time in the raid learning everything and these guys had already played and made it to Atheon. So we start and their we a few mistakes but after a while we were getting the hang of stuff. All of a sudden these guys say um I don’t think we will get this done the damage isn’t enough. Now these guys were putting out similar to less damage than everyone else and were making mistakes as well. They just continued to be negative and no longer wanted to help anymore. It’s just ridiculous how people just don’t have the patience anymore to figure out where the mistakes lie, correct it and keep pushing. They rather be negative, create tension and anxiety. People want to beat the raid just as badly as these elitist pricks. Thus why raid should’ve stayed the same as it was in D1 and challenge mode should’ve had the changes.

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