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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds 7/22/2021 2:52:49 PM

The world loot pool is becoming too large.

Edit: I am NOT in favor of sunsetting. I’m just stating that this is a product of it not being a thing. The world pool will continue to grow and it’s either take weapons out of the loot pool, or let us focus focus towards specific gear. Otherwise it just becomes this massive pool with less and less chance to focus towards older gear that players may still to have gotten the roll they wanted on. I can think of two weapons I want rolls o that I have never gotten yet and they haven’t dropped once this season yet. I figured this would be a product of no sunsetting. I think we need more dedicated sources for focusing loot. More options in the recaster would be nice. Maybe based on specific weapon types instead of just one massive pool of world weapons engram. Hand canon focus, scout focus, SMG focus, etc. There are a few world weapons I’d like to get specific rolls on for the sake of endgame content and I never got the rolls I wanted and now it just seems hopeless because I haven’t seen two of them drop this season even once yet. I’d be playing right now if I could point myself in the direction of farming them, but I can’t.

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