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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Talia Sendua 8/30/2021 12:56:13 PM

Can we get a Titan Aspect improving PvE durability for Defensive Strike?

Yeah, I know we got No Backup Plans back and yes, I am playing them. But it is pretty annoying when you use those gauntlets for a melee focused combat style and almost every enemy in a 1290 nightfall can almost destroy it with 2-3 bullets. A sniper from scorn can also almost completely delete it with one hit. Why am I 1321 base Power when my Overshield from Defensive Strike is nothing more than just a cooler looking eggshell protecting me? Please, when Void 3.0 drops with Witch Queen, can we pretty please get an Aspect improving barrier resistance for both the barricade AND defensive strike in PvE? Right now I can surely use the defensive strike more often in PvE but by the time I put 1-2 enemies down with my shotgun the barrier is almost gone. I could also just go back to playing dunemarchers and just chain enemies to get my melee almost instantly back, you know? That is how bad the barrier is right now.

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