Constant crashing has made Destiny 2 COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE since the major update 3 MONTHS AGO
Linked to my reddit thread that I posted at the beginning of the season. Copy of main post's contents here.
So my game has been constantly crashing to desktop within ~1-3 mins after startup since the latest update. No error code, just freezes for a split second the black screen then closes itself. I'm not even able to load into any destinations before the game crashes. It's literally unplayable beyond the menus.
[b]Solutions I’ve tried to stop Destiny 2 from crashing:[/b]
• Update Graphics Drivers
• Verify integrity of game files
• enable in-game frame rate cap @ 60fps
• disable various application in game overlays including Steam, Discord, Xbox Game Bar
• disable Nvidia Shader Cache and delete all cached shader files
• disable HDD/SSD background monitoring service (Intel Rapid Storage for me)
• uninstalled the game, ran CCleaner multiple times to make sure nothing was leftover, restarted my PC and re-install
• Set Destiny2.exe and Destiny2Launcher.exe, and BEService_x64 (in Destiny 2 steam install folder) to "run as administrator" in compatibility settings, allowing through windows firewall, run as high priority (except BEService_x64) in task manager.
• set "BEService.exe" and "BEService_D2.exe" (located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye") to run as administrator and allow through windows firewall
• disconnected mouse and kb and tried playing using a "plain" mouse and kb that do not have any macro buttons. Still crashes even with NO MOUSE OR KB ATTACHED.
• Reboot into Safemode, uninstall Destiny 2, use DDU to completely uninstall graphics drivers. Reboot again and install new graphics drivers and re-install destiny. Crashing is now [i][b]even quicker[/b][/i] after Selecting a character, as it does not even finish loading into the destination selection screen.
If anyone has any other "fixes" I haven't tried yet that they'd like to suggest I'd be happy to try them out.
PC Specs below
OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
MoBo: Z370 AORUS Gaming 7
CPU: i7-8700
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
RAM: 16320 Mb (2x8GB)
update: New dxdiag after updating some of my drivers. thanks to @Strator for the help tracking down the proper drivers for me.
Edit2: After (AGAIN uninstalling) D2, uninstalling old drivers, rebooting into safe mode, running CCleaner to make sure everything Destiny is completely gone, installing new/correct drivers, then finally reinstalling destiny after a final restart everything seems to be working. I've also bypassed my AVR for good measure. It may also be important to note that I had a friend log into my steam/destiny account and reset all my destiny settings to default before I re-installed.
If you have the Administrator account active, restart your computer, log into the Administrator account, and start the game, does it work?
I pretty much have the same issues you have, and this was the only way I was able to basically get into the game. Still, I see this as more of a troubleshooting step that may help rather than a full-on solution