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작성자: SamiKat 12/13/2021 7:36:50 AM

Grasp of Avarice - Picking up 10 engrams cancels the 2nd charge of any ability gained from exotic armor

In the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, while wearing a piece of exotic armor that grants a second charge to an ability, if the player picks up 10 debuff engrams, the second charge (granted by the exotic) cancels out when the super and abilities are filled. This occurs both when the second charge of that ability is full and when it is recharging. In both cases, the second charge is set to zero and must recharge in its entirety. The issue was tested during the final boss encounter, on a hunter, and with each piece of exotic armor that granted a second charge: The Sixth Coyote, Omnioculus, Ophidia Spathe, and Shinobu’s Vow. The issue occurred the same for each exotic, every time. **This was not tested on any other class because I don’t have the CP. To note, this makes picking up engrams in increments of 10 disadvantageous while wearing these exotics, causing the player to either forfeit the exotic's perk temporarily or pick up fewer than 10 or 20. This is particularly problematic when running the dungeon solo.

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