With the upcoming witch queen expansion, we are going to be getting lots of new weapons, including world drops, core activities, and raid weapons/drops. Among all these drops could possibly be room for the return of a forgotten classic, the aggressive frame pulse rifle. We loved Blast Furnace in the day, Sacred Provenance exists now but is difficult to grind for solo players because of its raid encounter drop. Back in Destiny 1, we had the Hakke pulse rifles with four bursts. With witch queen, I would love to see the return of the four-round burst pulse rifle.
With newer perks inside the game like Perpetual Motion, Blunt Execution Rounds, the Iron Perks, and Adrenaline Junkie, and some of the older perks in the game like Rangefinder, Eye of the Storm, and Desperado this could become a very unique and powerful contender in PVE and the Crucible, with much more flavor than the other types of pulse rifles in the game.
I miss the four-round bursts in Destiny and there's a whole section of people like me who want these guns back in action. Please don't let the four-round burst weapons sit inside the destiny forgotten tombstone like the double-fire hand cannons and the adaptive frame SMGS (more on those later). Let the reign of the four-round burst pulse rifles rise again.