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1/23/2022 9:04:33 PM

Unlinking Playstation Account

I'm experiencing some issues specifically with that essentially only shows my inventory on my Playstation account. When I switch to PC, it's completely empty. After trying everything recommended to me, I have decided to unlink my Playstation account from my Bungie account. I originally played D2 on PS4, but made the switch to PC around Season of Opulence when Cross Save was initially rolled out. I no longer play on PS except for maybe some testing of D2 on the PS5. The issue that I run into is that when I am brought to the page in the image above, my steam account is authenticated but displays characters I made in vanilla D2 on a previous computer just to try it out. The characters that I currently play as on PC are shown next to it, but on a seemingly non-authenticated PS4 account. I am concerned that if I deactivate this PS4 account, I will be left with the steam account with characters I've only played with once. How do I make Steam my only account linked to Bungie but with the correct characters?

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