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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Talia Sendua 10/13/2022 1:39:02 PM

Can we have OPTIONAL challenge mode in Patrols in exchange for better rewards?

I am asking for this because of 2 reasons. Reason no. 1 is that high level players can unintentionally ruin the fun for New Light players in patrol by OHK everything, killing everything too quickly, destroying "world bosses" (high priority targets) and finishing public events too quickly before New Light players themselves can do any reasonable impact in such cases/events/gunfights. Reason no. 2 is that some of us core players would probably love to have more reason to go into patrol. Some of us want a challenge. Some of us could test new weapons and builds in "endgame-like" environments in patrol. And some of us would probably love to just get better loot from patrol than blue stuff and once-in-a-while an Umbral/Legendary Engram or an Enhancement core with Matterwave Consumables. Now, I am not saying that playing patrol in challenge mode should give you exotics or ascendant shards for free... But having default chances on getting enhancement cores and maybe even prisms from public events in challenge mode and very rare enemies, would probably enough. Maybe throw in some old season weapons too like Season of Undying/Season of Dawn ones and such. You know, season pass gear from [b]before[/b] Season of the Arrival.

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