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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
11/10/2022 4:27:57 PM

PvP - Athrys's Embrace Gunslinger

Hey Guardians =) I know nowadays Nightstalkers with Gyrfalcon's Hauberk are very popular in PvP, but I'd like to play Gunslinger more into the Crucible and looking among Hunters' Exotics, Athrys's Embrace seems to be pretty nice and fun. At least on chart. What's your opinion about this Exotic in PvP? Do you believe it's good choice? Is it possible to actually use it concretely, or is more a for fun/occasional Exotic? Thanks =)

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  • 작성자: Bore 11/11/2022 6:27:34 PM
    [quote]Hey Guardians =) I know nowadays Nightstalkers with Gyrfalcon's Hauberk are very popular in PvP, but I'd like to play Gunslinger more into the Crucible and looking among Hunters' Exotics, Athrys's Embrace seems to be pretty nice and fun. At least on chart. What's your opinion about this Exotic in PvP? Do you believe it's good choice? Is it possible to actually use it concretely, or is more a for fun/occasional Exotic? Thanks =)[/quote] It’s my main exotic. If you have the map knowledge to use them, they’re deadly. The more you use them, the more spots you’ll pick up. Elevation is also very important. When your enemies are on a lower elevation than your bounce, you’re more likely to hit the head. [url=]The difference of just the step is enough for this spot. Great for countering those who hug the inside of the cubbies.[/url] [url=]Nice to check guardian theatre afterwards to get the enemy reaction.[/url] You will whiff a lot of knives though. To get the most out of it, best to build into your melee heavily. Overall a good choice, but it will require more effort on your part than you might think.

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  • It’s very good if mastered and can almost guarantee a knife kill. Ahamkara spine is also really great for gunslinger.

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  • Arthrys is funny. But not entirely consistent. You need to "charge" it first with precision hits. It adds a second bounce, and THAT particular bounce is what has the bonus meme tracking aside from the initial toss having some slight tracking as well. You still need to have an idea where someone is because it isn't a guarantee to hit. Pulse rifles are the easiest play to charge it.

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  • Completely depends on if it wants to work. Another option is young ahamkara's for a 400 health tripmine that makes even 100 resilience gaurdians 1 shot. Because it does 170 damage and 40 scorch damage...but scorch cant kill.

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    4 답변
    • I love knifetricks…😎🕹

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    • Its ok, its my Hunter's main exotic. (Titan main, sorry) The best part is when you bounce a knife off a wall or around a corner and it actually kills something, most of the time I don't rely on the knife.

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      1 답변
      • Nothing like tossing a weighted knife across the map for a 1 shot kill! And getting it back… and getting radiant… or activating the perk and throwing a knife around a corner!

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        2 답변
        • It can be really good, giving you a solid win condition against hunkered enemies. I've personally been burned one too many times by throws that on paper should been kills but decided to do their own thing I just use Caliban while playing Slinger now

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