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클랜 모집

클랜 또는 새로운 클랜원을 찾으세요.
작성자: Snoopy 3/20/2023 5:31:44 PM

Jamin?, Looking for a clan that is active, chill and has like 10-12 free slots. Mainly Aussies

Me and a couple of the fella's are looking to migrate much like the Artic Turn. Our clans has fallen apart and we were looking for a group that plays consistently and is open to filling slots for raids and dungeons. It's mainly for our little Russian man KsSmoke he needs people to rant to about Hunters and get dragged through Spire with him (It's all he does). As said earlier we are mainly Aussie however most of us work late nights, which means we're on fairly late at night anyways. [quote]Much love and many kisses :) Snoopy[/quote] [spoiler]There is a Furry however he doesn't really play all that much anymore[/spoiler]

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