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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
3/26/2023 5:47:32 AM

Graviton lance bugged/under performance

Hi Guardians This is my first forum post so I’m sorry if I mess up on the post but I wanted to make it hopes of getting this weapon fixed. I had just recently received the catalyst for the Graviton lance and decided to give a try after so long and let’s just say it’s very…lacking to say the least. The exotic perk specifically, when you get a kill there’s a void explosion and a tracking void orb that’s supposed to spawn. Well when you get a kill half the time I feel as though doesn’t activate or activates late I’ve noticed and when it does activate the “ void explosion” doesn't really hit anything and the tracking orb is janky. For it being a exotic I would love for it to be little bit more useful and consistent the flat damage is good just the exotic perk needs fixed/ reworked bad. Tell me your thoughts on it guardians and thank you for reading!

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  • That catalyst was a pain in the butt to unlock. Just drop into grasp of avarice, and use it to obliterate the thrall and acolytes that spawn in the cave right at the beginning.

    게시물 작성 언어:


    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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