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데스티니 가디언즈

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작성자: Obi-Juan 6/27/2023 11:46:54 PM

GM Psiops Final Boss

Bungie, why are we classing this as challenge? Aspect of Savathun Concussive Dampener, Applicable Arc Resistance Mods Absolutely nowhere near her, behind multiple walls 1 Shot... why? If you have a boss that telegraphs an attack when i'm in it's vicinity and I don't run away in time by all means. 1 shot me. But why are we adding these 1 shots where literally all you have to do to proc it is literally just exist inside the boss room? Like literally the whole fireteam, spread around the room just all gets 1 shot 1 after the other with 0 ability to stop it because you have no idea some invisible arc thing is about to randomly find you. After not dying a single time up until this point. Seriously what's going on there? Did we not learn from Mars Battleground?

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