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자유 게시판

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7/26/2023 2:42:40 PM

Bungie, fix your damn store

So firstly I wanted to buy my pins, which I can't access cause bungie store won't sign me in, Secondly the post and packaging costs for your store is extortionate, I want to pay for 4 posters which came to under €4, so how the hell does that turn into €40 with shipping, You probably won't read this and remain as money hungry and as lazy as you are, but if you do read this, get your act together, Since I can't log in I'm also going to assume that you also haven't fixed the issue of adding multiple pre-order items to the cart, of course you wanna get an extra €38 out of me since you can charge me €76 for packing two little pins and 4 posters, together, Multiple stores offer free international postage if you spend so much, so aside from greed, why can't you implement the same thing? Don't say it's technical limits, cause GamerSupps make it possible on their app, An App has more technical abilities over a webpage, But hey, its only your fanbase that are getting effected, it's not like your letting one of your ips die and hoping we all take a chance with your returning Ip, Just..... fix it would ya?

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