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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
10/25/2023 4:40:43 PM

Fixing Champions

I recently saw a post about "artificial difficulty" and I typically agree that getting "1-shot" is not hard but annoying. It forces most people to play peekaboo which is rather boring if you're old enough to understand object permanence. Rather than pick apart what I hate about GMs here's some things I think could be applied across the board that would freshen up the game and make things more interesting. - First of all hats off to Tormentors having a challenging enemy that requires more than spamming heavy without the need for raid mechanics is a great addition to the game overall. But now where the title come in... Champions. Champions do change the flow of the game but I'd argue forcing a weapon type reduces the fun level and makes encounters less unique. My suggestions go something like this: -Primaries take care of Barrier shields. Simple enough. Sure some primaries would be better than others at busting the shield but I don't think any one is broken and that can be adjusted if needed. -Heavies stun Unstoppables. Machine guns in particular would have to be tuned so that it takes up a significant amount of ammo to stun. I believe this could open up options for more than just the meta damage archetypes to have a place. - Overloads it's hard for me to not say just cut them from the game entirely, but for the sake of it let's go. Have specials do increased damage to them. Instead of stunning them like they are now, you have to chunk a certain amount of health fast enough with whatever weapons you want to stun them. I really think opening up options like this for people would be a big step in freshening up the combat in this game. And if one is easier to implement than another I don't see a reason the changes couldn't roll out 1 at a time.

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