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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
3/6/2024 8:20:45 AM

Guardian Games Crucible, Unfun, Unfair

Most Hunters can agree, Class V Class Crucible sucks, its Unfun, Unfair and just stupid. Should be Mayhem, not Supremacy, At least with Mayhem, Hunters have a chance at doing any form of damage before being crumpled, bagged and told they're garbage, personally I've gotten "hate mail" saying things I should just "give in and uninstall" or worse, from Titans and Warlocks that swarm the events and win, uncontested. With scores like (12 to 120) and (5 to 180) in a matter of seconds from spawning, its worthless to play crucible during the Games as a Hunter..

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  • I love hate mail but I don’t get much anymore. A few days ago I was checking in on angry people who messaged me a year or two ago to see how they’re doing 😂

    게시물 작성 언어:


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  • The blendulum swings both ways. Its a balancing pendulum and who knows what goes on with the warlocks.

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  • It’d probably help if you played more than one match of crucible before assuming lots of things, but that’s just my two cents.

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  • 작성자: Sovereign001885 3/6/2024 10:54:21 AM
    Hunter is great. Ive lost like 3 games as a hunter and been consistently top of the game and ive picked up 2 we rans. Theres no issue in terms of strength (sandbox changes havent affect GG so threadling spam away). Edit: youve also only played a single game where you did badly. I think this is purely a skill issue with you actually just being bad.

    게시물 작성 언어:


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  • Im enjoying it so far. Maybe you need to play more than 1 game, basing your opinion off of a single match wont always be representative of the activity as a whole.

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  • 작성자: Mudd-11 3/6/2024 3:18:29 PM
    Honestly in the games I played last night, Hunters usually were "neck and neck" with us Warlocks, except for one game that Hunters dominated. Same with the Titans that I played against. The worst part though, is that there apparently is no mercy rule, so even if you are down 70-100 points you are still going to the full 150. Otherwise it is a fun time. After the all Void SMG Titan group, I might have to get in an all Stasis Warlock group to keep up!

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