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작성자: Delicious Cheese 4/4/2024 7:35:57 PM

Orimund's Taste Triumph is broken, the Iron Lord Title unobtainable.

I'm not getting progress on Orimund's Taste Triumph. Am I missing something? The text says: Acquire Iron Banner weapons. Each weapon must be unique to count towards the total. This is first Iron Banner I'm participating in, and I have collected Jorum's Claw, Bite of the Fox, Pressurized Precision, Point of the Stag, The Guiding Sight, Lethal Abundance, RIISwalker. The weapons are in my inventory and are focusable at Saladin. However progress is stuck at 2/5. Can you please fix as it is stopping us from getting Iron Lord title and we only have limited time to do it.
#Help #triumph #bugs

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