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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
4/12/2024 6:13:58 AM

fix your matchmaking

bungie make a playlist with similar skill true ranking system like comp atleast or number 1 through 50 there is a lot of games where one team has a lot of people who don't try or play or know how to play or just stand in spawn and the other team has a good set or players who are not even in one team just random but who actually know how to play or are in a stack and don't wanna say cheaters all the time but when there is a person just running around sliding jumping and shooting out of there butt and you say to yourself maybe he has a good build for this and you look and they have nothing to help them with flinch or aim while i do have a build for crucible and they have a nightfall build and they have perfect aim no recoil or flinch cmon !!! its frustrating losing to stuff like that i don't mind i i were to play super sweats that would make me a better player but to just start a match and have to deal with all that cmon do something about it already

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