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도와드릴 수 있도록 저희에게 알려주세요.
4/19/2024 10:23:00 PM


Im recently getting back into D2 and trying to use my characters from my xbox account. but i cant fully cross save because im required to authenticate my PSN account that i do not have access to no longer. I already contacted psn to try to recover the account, but they couldnt help me. Is there a way to unlink my PSN account so i can cross save my xbox character to my pc?

게시물 작성 언어:


다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

모든 주제 보기
  • You either need to regain access to it or use a throwaway account to move to a new Bungie profile but as a result you'll lose anything tied to your current Bungie profile such as Bungie friend list, redeem code emblems, and possibly Twitch/Prime rewards. Bungie wont unlink the account for you.

    게시물 작성 언어:


    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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