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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
5/9/2024 1:54:46 AM

Please fix “Memory of Vell Tarlowe” quest bug

This bugged out for me a long time ago and I’m just at a point of being so sick and tired of seeing the quest and being unable to complete it. I’m sure more people have experienced it but when you reach the point in the shadowkeep story line you get a main quest step called “Memory of Vell Tarlowe” which says to complete a re-playable story mission on the moon, however, the re-playable story mission does not appear anywhere on the moon and locks you out of being able to progress. I’ve tried deleting the quest and picking it back up but it doesn’t fix it. Please for the sake of the game fix it.

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