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6/26/2024 11:10:00 PM

Breach Executable Updates

Hey everyone. We've heard feedback about certain frustrating elements in Breach Executable, and we have a couple of changes planned for next week's update to improve the experience. First off, some enemies were hitting a little too hard—particularly those affected by both Void Threat and Air Superiority/Blasts. We want to keep a bit of variety in our modifiers, so because Void Threat is constantly applied, we're removing it from Expert Breach Executable. We will also be improving the hunt for Planetary Pistons and Radiolite samples with several changes: - Guardians will always be able to find two Pistons in each run of Breach Executable - Piston waypoint range is increased for easier visibility - The delay before being teleported to join allies in the next encounter has been increased. This means you can continue to extract samples when your teammates push ahead. - Extracting Radiolite samples is now instant, so you can get back into the action faster. We have also investigated the reports of Guardians being unable to find specimen NES003 and start the research quest for the Week 4 Seasonal Challenge 'Research and Development III. This specimen was originally intended to be found during Week 4. However, this issue will be resolved at the next weekly reset.

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  • It's bugged again on NES 006. Way to go Bungle.

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  • Ya. But they keep other content from us through bugs that they won't fix. I can't get the legendary version of the khvostov cause my inventory was full and Bungie won't fix it

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  • 작성자: Brostrodamis 7/25/2024 12:29:37 AM
    Seems like it wasn't fixed. Dying even more now with this activity than before. It's not fun to run expert

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  • Now make enigma protocol not awful

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    2 답변
    • Oh it meant to only be found during a 7 day period despite the season being how long? Wow. Talk about relying on FOMO.

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      4 답변
      • Your update needs an update, now nothing spawns in when you deposit the gathered information motes.

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      • The Aggressive Exploration 1 seasonal challenge does not work. No one can complete it.

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        2 답변
        • 작성자: Nicolas Cage's 7/17/2024 3:54:14 PM
          Can you take a look at the seasonal challenge for breach executable? Doing the weekly challenges isn’t completing the seasonal challenge from week three: aggressive exploration I

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        • Breach Executable on Expert is not working. After completing a phase you can't really explore without "Joining Allies" popping up and there are no pistons.

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        • [quote]Hey everyone. We've heard feedback about certain frustrating elements in Breach Executable, and we have a couple of changes planned for next week's update to improve the experience. First off, some enemies were hitting a little too hard—particularly those affected by both Void Threat and Air Superiority/Blasts. We want to keep a bit of variety in our modifiers, so because Void Threat is constantly applied, we're removing it from Expert Breach Executable. We will also be improving the hunt for Planetary Pistons and Radiolite samples with several changes: - Guardians will always be able to find two Pistons in each run of Breach Executable - Piston waypoint range is increased for easier visibility - The delay before being teleported to join allies in the next encounter has been increased. This means you can continue to extract samples when your teammates push ahead. - Extracting Radiolite samples is now instant, so you can get back into the action faster. We have also investigated the reports of Guardians being unable to find specimen NES003 and start the research quest for the Week 4 Seasonal Challenge 'Research and Development III. This specimen was originally intended to be found during Week 4. However, this issue will be resolved at the next weekly reset.[/quote] I must admit, my first 3 runs I had no clue what to do. I didn't know where the other 2 players were doing , so I followed the icon to the next area. Would've been nice to have some info on what to do other than finally resorting to you tube. I feel bad about running ahead. Also no real example of the hammer usage. Perhaps if new activities had a brief temporary info screen, just a thought.

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          3 답변
          • 작성자: Gigaflare 7/12/2024 9:32:30 PM
            People in here saying "Join Allies" should be removed, I agree with. However, I would also like to remove the sample sharing at least in matchmaking. I shouldn't have to work for someone not contributing at all.

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          • Nothing in the stream about kbm in console lobbies? Maybe I missed it?

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          • 작성자: Blackfang1911 6/27/2024 11:22:11 PM
            Hey Fun Killers, Why is it when ever the player base finds a weapon or armor piece they like and can have fun with, you -blam!- feel the need to go in and -blam!- with it? This is why Sony is watching you lot and waiting for an excuse for a full take over and why many players are starting to think about wether staying around is worth it or not

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            5 답변
            • No freaking idea how to do thos activity. I have a hammer, where the hell do I use it. I see some materials I'm guessing I'm supposed to collect but then teammates drag me forward before I can do anything. No idea what is going on in the boss fight. This activity is dumb and super confusing

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            • I agree with many, get rid of the joining allies, in this event, period. If someone wants to speed run and hit the boss and others don't that's their choice, let the speed runner work on the boss while the others gather their materials. Boom problem solved (almost - why should the speed runner get the materials when they refused to gather them?)

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              3 답변
              • 작성자: Comstock77 7/4/2024 10:31:25 AM
                The joining Allies timer should have been wiped completely from this event. Other than that good changes here.

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                1 답변
                • Such a bad seasonal activity. Can we call it a seasonal activity? Sure we can this is the year of less is less

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                • When is this update you speak of? Because those enemies are hitting just as hard now as then.

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                • 작성자: Guardian,Archon Of Light 7/1/2024 8:09:12 PM
                  Also the death walls in the Tym boss fight are annoying and obviously only exist to halt our dps and a cheap way to extend the encounter

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                  33 답변
                  • There's a challenge for completing the weekly (I believe it was week 3), that thing is still locked for me, despite having done it on several characters a couple of times now. Also, still way overtuned. Could at least give us some extended revive immunity because it's a lot of getting one-shot, revived and then one-shot again again before the revive animation is even over. And I dont know what the splash radius is supposed to be but it's not that much fun to have spend time completely out of battle, behind some rock, because as soon as you get even remotely close to peeking out you're taking massive damage. It also doesnt help that some enemies just keep spamming the same rock youre behind - so you're forced to just stand there, doing nothing.

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                  • Specimen today july 2nd showed up at failsafe in helm but i clicked it and nothing happened ano week ano bugged quest step also still the invisible bug wich makes iorn banner unplayable gonna be rough couple weeks we wont get nes003 till next week the week b4 act 2 so :(

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                    2 답변
                    • 작성자: rottingvermin 7/2/2024 5:18:34 AM
                      Require all three players to “interact” to start the encounters. Edit:I’ll just run it solo since you can’t fail it.

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                      7 답변
                      • Just get rid of the joining allies then the speed runners can fight the boss all by their lonesome while the others can collect all the materials, and also why am I randomly getting booted back to orbit during breach runs? It’s definitely not my internet.

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                      • Ditch the entire joining allies mechanic , it just let's speedrunners ruin everything And stop despawning champions if speed runners ignore them and go into the next loading zone

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                        2 답변
                        • Or just remove the Joining Allies entirely. You'll still have someone just run straight to the boss and keep people from collecting Radiolite. Increasing the timer changes nothing.

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                          4 답변
                          • Another badly implemented activity.

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