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7/10/2024 9:16:26 AM

Raid Spoils Chests BROKEN, do not work at all HELP PLEASE

Alright, this one is weird and really sucks. Please help. I recently completed Crota's End, and when attempting to take the Necrochasm quest and purchase a red border weapon, nothing worked. The thumbnail would pop out and make an interact sound like I had finished the purchase, and then nothing happens. This happened to me on a couple Vow runs a while back, and it was so frustrating that it made me take a break between then and The Final Shape. I'd honestly forgotten that it had been a problem, Final Shape looked sick and it IS. We finished up Crota's End it all came rushing back to me lol. To be clear, I am sure I had the spoils available, and room in my inventory when I tried. Like I said I couldn't even claim the Necrochasm quest, the part to kill thralls with the legendary version I think? I have no idea what could be causing this, and would really appreciate some help figuring out the cause. My own troubleshooting has not worked, though to be fair I couldn't find anyone else having this problem and am fairly limited in my know-how of technowizardry. I tried disconnecting my second monitor, to see if it was some weird graphics thing. Changed just about every setting in Nvidia control panel to something other than what it currently was, idk man. I was promoted party leader, nothing. Please help, Friday is raid night! ;D But seriously thank you for any advice or help, Final Shape has been sick and as someone who loves to raid, not being able to craft the weapons REALLY sucks. I unfortunately don't have any screenshots or recordings of this happening, and reproducing it will be a bit of a hassle hah. I am very confident that there should have been nothing mechanically in game stopping me from buying from the chests. I can confirm it has happened with multiple raids at least, Vow and Crotas.

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