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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
7/13/2024 4:51:40 PM

Replace Gambit with Onslaught

Gambit has run its course. Onslaught is fresh and new and people seem to be bummed it’s not worth running anymore. How could this work? Take gambit out and replace with onslaught. Each week a focused weapon will be the shiny drop for the week. The normal versions still drop as normal. Add new enemy types, maps, and can easily cycle sunset or world weapons through as well. Add an emblem that is rare or a shader and give it a reputation track. You could still utilize the drifter as the onslaught vendor. Another small option could be increase weapon xp leveling specifically in onslaught so it’s the new way to level guns that is engaging and rewarding.

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