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7/22/2024 9:13:25 AM

Raid XP related errors

Issues surrounding XP are causing numerous error codes and other issues in raids and dungeons at the moment. This is noticeable in all raids however I only have clips from this occurring in Last Wish as it is the raid I play the most. I have linked three YouTube videos displaying XP related error codes and delayed registration within Last Wish. The first two videos display XP and glimmer intake being throttled leading to an error code occurring, in very similar places within the Shuro Chi encounter, booting the entire fireteam to orbit. The third video shows XP and glimmer throttling causing the encounter completion and therefore loot acquisition being delayed until over 1 minute after the encounter is completed. These XP related issues are present all over the game currently and are affecting loot acquisition as well as causing error codes. Hopefully this can be looked into as these clips are all from this week alone. (Error code example 1) (Error code example 2) (Delayed encounter completion and loot)

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