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작성자: Dyl 7/24/2024 1:40:01 PM

Posting Again due to no reply. (TRIUMPH SCORE BUGS) It seems like there is many problems at the minute with players like myself who have achieved max score every season since launch, can't hit max score after the launch of The Final Shape. I'm seeing lots of reports of countless bugs linked to Triumph Score for example - Master Completion of Salvations Edge not counting, Bonus Action Triumph is bugged for most players from Season Of The Wish, A weapon kill one that got removed from the game during week 1 of TFS Launch, there is also a few more but I can't remember them all. THIS REALLY NEEDS TO BE ADRESSED AND FIXED, AFTERALL IT IS AFFECTING MANY OF YOUR MOST DEDICATED PLAYERS... (Previous Post Below). After Countless hours of me looking through every triumph in the game I finally came across the reason why myself and many others are missing the -1 score from last season. (Season Of The Wish) It is because of a bugged Triumph called ''Bonus Action'' It's a requirement for the Wishbearer seal. Myself and multiple other players have the seal, can equip the seal but the progress for this triumph is 9 of 10. I addressed this last season and had a response off BNGHelp9 but no new update or note of it in Known Issues. I have also had content creators reach out to people at Bungie with this problem and nothing. Myself and many many others would greatly appreciate if this is fixed or even addressed in a TWID. Here is a link of one of my previous posts, the one with the reply from BNGHelp9 : Thanks.
#Help #gameplay

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