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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
8/11/2024 1:49:18 AM

Comp rank gain and loss confusion and frustration

I was on a 10 win streak in comp but this just ended my will to play for today. In the first game listed on the imgur link, I gained +50. Even tho we absolutely destroyed the enemy. The very next game I lost -124 points. I tried my best. I captured and tried to defend (hence the 5k damage), but like nothing feels worse than to see these huge gaps in gains and losses with no real explanation as to why. Will we ever get more info on how our rank points are handed out and removed?

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  • That's numberwang!!! It's a whole ranking system that feels like rng!! There must be a metric to how scores are decided, but it just does not work!! You'd think there could be a simpler system for working this stuff out... start off with a flat rate for wins/loses, then add/subtract points for positive/negative outcomes. Something like... Win: +100 - loss: -50 Team position - 1st: +25 - 2nd: +5 - 3rd: -5 KDA - positive: +25 - neutral: +5 - negative: -5 Match completion: +10 - DNF: -10 Objective could ve been added, but why penalise a slayer when they are helping the rest of the team achieve the objective easier!! With an adjustment to points based upon the players left at the end... so if 3vs1 then the points reduction will be be cut to a third, or points gain (should the one person succeed) will triple!! So best placed win will always get +160 points, worst place loss will always get -60 points and bailers would get -70 as default... so losses would will always be less than half a win!! Also, scale for win streak (max 5) by 1.1, 1.2 etc... and game steak (same). Two small increases rather than 1 big increase - just to offset things like losses at the 5th. Losses would be reduced on steaks (unless bailing, as this will reset streaks). As a final note... if the game is clever enough to confirm on screen the error message, then it's clever enough to recognise when players bail, or when they're kicked. So there's potential for all loss points (and streak resets) to be ignored if a player gets removed outside of their control. As a final final note... for personal connection issues, maybe there's a 3 strikes and out policy... if it keeps happening then you'll lose points each time afterwards (resets seasonally).

    게시물 작성 언어:


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