Add class exotic items to the reward pool for the Pale Heart on legendary story completion, or add them to Xur for everyone, or add in a solo instance of the Duality mission (team player with an NPC, modify the mechanics to support).
작성자: aTinyWeeBaby 9/18/2024 5:05:34 PMYou’re right. And the cheerleaders here saying you’re wrong have no good reason for being so weird about it. The clock puzzle, the Vow symbols, the time limit, the comms requirement - just a bunch of very un-fun obstacles that push a whole bunch of people away. This game sorely needs a ping system and some gameplay mechanics beyond stunning champions, because the only real mechanic in Destiny is: go watch a video. Other games have better stuff to do.
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After unlocking the exotic class item on all 3 characters back when it released, I have not equipped it or used one on any of my characters. It's nice and all but imo pointless. It's not required to do master raids or grandmasters. One day I'll decide to use them, but they are not needed for anything in game as of yet. -
Just do the mission with someone else ffs. Too many players in a game about being part of a team crying about not having the ability to play like a hermit. It’s one time you have to do it with another person. They won’t change it. They have said they won’t change it. Just learn some basic human interaction skills.
Folks, here is the weekly forum troll with her deadpan reasoning on why she wants a handout. She doesn't even play the game anymore....but we'll keep feeding her.
[quote]Add class exotic items to the reward pool for the Pale Heart on legendary story completion, or add them to Xur for everyone, or add in a solo instance of the Duality mission (team player with an NPC, modify the mechanics to support).[/quote] No. I jumped in yesterday with a random and it was such a good experience. Finally got my class item. 2 man missions requires both to do work, unlike the standard 3 man fireteam. Going forward, I want Bungie to create more like this. You definitely learn mechanics quick with a one on one collaboration.
Learn the symbols from Vow raid Learn how to read a clock like where is 1, 2, 3 Watch a tutorial video from YouTube Find a solo player from discord LFG group You won’t have to talk about anything, just say the symbol names, or what the clock reads, tbh you can even type it except the very last clock in the mission If you are a titan you don’t need the class item tho.
If you added them to xur for everyone , it would be pointless having the exotic mission
No, don’t want to play a multiplayer game then leave and don’t play it, So sick of these cry babies no wonder they have no friends.
You just have to do one run of the Mission. One! Then you can buy it from xur. Is it so incredibly difficult to find a single person to do it?
This topic again, *sighs* Maybe put the play time in, and people might listen to you.
작성자: sav 9/15/2024 2:32:12 PMHonestly I hope they never make them attainable solo just to p off the vocal minority solo players refuse to do the mission once.
You have made this same post so many times it’s ridiculous. Especially since you haven’t played since June and yet every week here you are It ain’t changing. Get an actual life or a therapist because no one does stuff like this with a healthy functioning brain. All this time wasted on reposting the same thing you could have had the class item. But guess you’d rather be weird and post about a game all the time that you don’t play It ain’t changing. Move on.
Thank you Bungie for creating the Dual Destiny mission and making it a two-player activity. I understand the concept behind combining TWO exotics, available to players running TWO subclasses with TWO alignments (one light and one dark) and I agree that this is good storytelling and world-building. I also agree that requiring TWO players is reinforcing the lore, the purpose, the design, and everything about these items and not "gatekeeping." I understand there are players who will complain about "no solo play" and I have reached out to many of them and offered to teach and explain the mechanics. Some of them really struggled their first time! I helped an older guardian who needed lots of time to learn to make timed callouts, and then I helped a really young guardian who was unfamiliar with analog clocks. But they both completed the mission successfully after a couple tries, and they loved the double-drops for their first clear of the week and the opportunity to go purchase re-rolls from Xur in the tower AND earn additional ones from Overthrow chests. I appreciate the innovation and creativity shown in releasing stuff like this that is NEW and DIFFERENT from other experiences in the game, as there are some players who NEED that to stay interested in a game. I think you have found the right balance between challenge and accessibility as the timers are running, but they are pretty generous. I'm also helping guardians through the time-trial version of Expert Encore for the cool NEW emblem, another good example of this. I will keep playing this game 'cause I love spending time in the world of Destiny and I continue to enjoy teaching raids, dungeons, and these exotic missions so I will continue to offer help KinderGaurdians tackling this content for the first time. And I'm sure we'll continue to see more posts like this! So we can all meet back here again in a few days. P.S. thanks for the HOIL/Synthos roll, it's AMAZING with the Titan Consecration slam, SO much fun!
As much as I would love an alternative.......It won't happen for a while. Bungie aren't going to budge on it. It would be invalidating the work put into to making the mission. So while I myself would rather run it solo (cause you know this community has a very awful rep).......I'm stuck either making do with what I have. Or Exposing myself to the poisonous nature of the wider community in order to obtain it. So far I've refused to do the latter. But that's entirely on me.
Let it go mate, it's never gonna happen. This was just a publicity stunt with a two tier intention. One, to lure players back who were leaving in great numbers, and for something that streamers could make content from, and two, to split the remaining players down the middle, creating enormous publicity whichever side you were on. Many solo players have accepted that they had been excluded and stopped playing, and those that defended it started to complain about the grind and drop rates. At the end of the day, I have not come across a single player that uses one, so I guess they're not as good as they were advertised to be.
Unlike most of the Bungie defenders here, I'll give it to you plain and simple, Bungie doesn't care about solo players (unless they are streamers).
You're on for a beating with this post. All the screaming gate-keepers will attack you as you are asking to get something in a different way to how they got it... This absolutely cannot be allowed as it devalues their achievement. Usual comments will be: It's a multiplayer game! (No it is not... it is a 1st person shooter with elements of MMO... as per Bungies own description... the fact that all campaign missions can be completed solo and only end game content requires a FT is lost on them.) You're just being lazy! Get friends! You're entitled! Etc. Etc.
They could sell them strictly for silver in eververse. Just don't cause that to unlock the pale heart drops and xur sales. Everybody wins.