I do not miss the days of no-loot raiding with friends (subsequent runs after first clear per week). When Spoils of Conquest were first introduced it was nigh on miraculous -- we could just play raids and have a moderate reward for time invested.
Like many thousands of other veteran players, I have nearly/all Exotics and do not need Spoils for that reason.. but I feel bad for those that do.
As more and more functioning endgame missions and Raids were flushed, because reasons, the buying power and (econ scrutiny) for those Spoils went up. A lot. The designers have been cinching that coinpurse tighter ever since.
So today the Spoils landscape is unclear, unpredictable, slow, or worst: obnoxious. My job ain't playing Destiny so I want to... play organically. I refuse to run in circles spamming a checkpoint.
I don't need duplicate junk loot from pinpoint sources. I want to accumulate and spend the currency as, I believe, it was originally intended (and successful). Something's got to give.
thanks for reading
My thoughts: Standardize them so you get the same amount for each encounter of every raid. (I hate how the amount of spoils varies depending on the raid) Encounters should give 5 per clear, secret chests should give 10, and add a weekly challenge that gives you 30 on your 1st full raid clear that week. For example: you run kings fall as your 1st raid that week, you'd get 45 total from all the encounters and secret chests, then an extra 30 for your 1st full raid clear that week.
1. Remove them from secret chests. 2. 2x-3x the spoils given for encounter-completion chests. 4. Apply to all raids/make them all drop the same, larger, amount. 3. 2x-3x the amount you can hold in inventory. You're welcome, Bungo. Get to work.