Hello, i would like to ask for information about the competitive points system.
I have been playing comp for since Lightfall and have hit ascendant every season since the first comp emblem was released back in season 20. I am not the greatest player out there and i play at an average level making this task take a while to accomplish each time. Nonetheless, this season in particular has been brutal to me and its not even been out for that long. I know the point system was never perfect, if any of you remember the +5 era you know how bad it can get and understand what i mean when i refer to this situation as "unfair".
Getting to the point, so as i was solo queing this season i placed in Gold 1 right After that i climbed up to Plat 2 nearly Plat 1, on a 10 win streak. After that session i had a major loss streak that consisted of 8 losses which put me back to Gold 1 a little higher then where i started. By now it makes sense right? having a little higher than a 50% win rate meaning i end up with a bit more points then what i started with.
After that session every time i played comp, when i won i gained 50 points in most cases (90% of my matches). In rare occasions maybe 100 not more though. But when i now lose i drop 120 - 160 points and sometimes more.
meaning for each time i lose i need to win 3 games to get back to where i started and that makes climbing insanely hard especially as a solo que player.
Now as i said at the start, im not a top tier player but even in games where i am top fragging and clearly doing the most in the lobby i still : earn 50 / lose 160. A quick example, yesterday i finished a session with a score of : 15 W - 2 L . And that got me from Gold 1 to Plat 3 which is a climb of one sub rank since those 2 losses cost me 6 games meaning if i ever want to reach ascendant ( 2.7k points needed ) my win rate needs to be almost perfect (which is crazy).
One more thing i will add is that i talked to a few other players i met in the playlist who are experiencing the same issue and dont know what is the cause and how to get normal point gains. In addition some players are on the other hand of this inconsistency, gaining lots of points and bearly losing any - One person i talked to says he is getting 200 points per win and losing 50.
Im pretty confident saying theres some sort of hidden Skill Rating involved that decides where a player belongs, there for boosting the player up/down the ladder. But as mentioned in the example that i gave (15W2L) there has to be some sort of switch flip that rewards the player for their time and allowing them to climb. Last season and the one before it felt the most consistent for me out of all the other comp seasons when it comes to point gains, no idea what sort of change was made now, maybe its a skill issue, but it still feels horrible to play.