Losing points without a fair match makes me want to throw my controller out of the window!
Bungie api is open. And with a low populations it’s even possible to see you’re match % outcome while you are playing. The issue is bungie core cr rating. Website like destiny kd will show you that often matches have a 46% / 54% win lose chance because of bungie cr score. But looking at website like destiny tracker you will see the odds are somewhere often more like 80% 20% this is why ppl who play the game a lot see after 60 seconds if it will be a win or a lose. Bungie cr score is a static system. That’s why some players have a 3.0 kd. And cr score of 90, and others have and 220 with a 1.7 kd bungie expectation that the 1.7 is miles better not taking in consideration that ppl might get better or worse. A low population will only magnify issue like this hope this helps
I stay win or lose to avoid the penalty. The fact we lose more than what we gain is the issue. They’ve never fixed this and people have complained for years.