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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
11/6/2024 12:45:38 AM


The comp points are STILL BUGGED. Im in adept and beat ascendant players with the emblem, only plus 52. I lose a game to one and im down 143. Its ridiculous!!! Take the hidden sbmm out and put the point system back to what it was last season. This is horrible for everyone.

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  • Not possible simply because bungie has 2 factors of matching players on priority and its rank and then cr score. (Combat rating). And your not fighting other players. Your fighting the behind scene score. For example if players are a 150/110/90 cr score sbmm says player 150 should do better and gain less or lose more points. There whole system is not based on the outcome of your game but on the outcome of the point system determining of score against eachother. This tells you where you belong. And bungie is notoriously know for that there cr score is when settle unchangeable. So nxt time you feel like match outcome isn’t right. Go to destiny and see if your cr score is higher or lower then your party and see why you lose or gain much points. This in combination with you’re rank tells you why you gain or lose much points. For illustration I’ll give a example below. This is pure theoretical and not actually the numbers use but pure to illustrate the mathematical stuff behind competitive matchmaking: Acendent players (cr score 160/220) Adept players (110/160) Platinum players (80/110) For example Team 1 player 1 is cr 200 Player 2 is cr 140 Player 3 is cr 90 Team 2 Player 4 is cr 140 Player 5 is cr 110 Player 6 is cr 110 If all players play in platinum. The match will be decided as follows T1, player 1/6/3 this accounting balance team. T2, player 2/4/5 this,, ,,, ,, ,, According to this ballance team 1 is a total of 400 cr score Team 2 has a total of 390 cr score. So bungie says the outcome of the match will be 52% in favo of team one. Now all players are in platinum ranks when for some reason team 1/player 1 loses this match. He will not lose a lot of points because the game will try to push him towards Ascendent, player 6 will lose the most points because he is near his rank and should preform better and the odds are in is his favor player 3 won’t lose much because is above his expectation and he is in the middle of the bell curve for population sake. This is the sbmm affecting the point system before the match outcome. Now we will look when this works against you as a player. For example your player 2 and your in the race for Acendent. When you are in adept and your cr score is 140 the game will acknowledge that you’re in your supposed bracket now when you go into a game where the odds are in your favo to win % wise and you lose that game. The game will deduct a sick amount of points near to 200. Just to make sure you will remain in your supposed bracket. And other wise when you have favo % and you win you will get as little as 50 points. This is all dependent on these mm parameters. This gives the player the illusion of they can improve. But only against bungie mm parameters which are set in stone. Aka beating a dead horse. But bungie is notrius for the cr score, and not changing it. You can do this calculation for you’re self. Go into comp/qp and lose a redicules amount of games. And you will see that there api will not change you’re cr score. The simple fact is that this would cost resources and we all know bungie PvP is not monitizable. TLDR; your fight against broken slot system and don’t have a illusion you’re in controle. You can only be lucky or make a new about and be better then before. Hope this helps.

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    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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