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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
11/22/2024 12:36:46 AM

Glaives need a BIG rework imo, here is my take

Hello Bungie. I think glaives should be reworked. Problems: 1) Their single target damage is meh 2) Their ad-clear potency is meh 3) Their perk/ability/exotic synergy is meh. 4) Archetypes are not different enough Fixes: 1)Increase projectile damage. Increase ammo and magazine capacity drastically. Increase fire rate (all depending on archetype) 2)Give glaive projectiles punchthrough (either infinite or make it scale based on archetype). Increase projectile size depending on archetype. (Aggressive>adaptive>rapid-fire) 3) Glaive melees should synergize with subclasses (knockout, roaring flames, etc) and exotic armor and ALL perks should work with ALL sources (projectile and melee) I almost want to say all glaive melee kills should produce orbs with heavy handed, but I'm not sure. I definitely think they should produce orbs with siphon mods tho. Glaives should also fully synergize with exotic armor (liar's handshake, synthoceps, necrotic grip, etc.) 4) Archetypes would de-facto be unique and distinct. Aggressives would have lower ammo capacity, but stronger melee damage, bigger projectiles that deal more damage, and more punchthrough, and a slower fire rate. Adaptives would be the middle ground, medium magazine and reserves, projectile size and damage, and punchthrough, and the current fire rate. Rapid-fires would be all about spraying, with bigger magazines and reserves, but smaller, less powerful, less piercing projectiles and weaker melee damage. The shield should also be affected by the archetype. This is only a suggestion but I hope that it is read and hopefully implemented, because I think it is important. Of course, I imagine pvp would be indirectly affected by these changes, but ultimately it will be for the good of the game. I just hope I'm not screaming into the void...

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