Stasis does not belong in pvp. Constant freezes and an endless barrage of turrets and silence and squals.
A single press of a button and you instantly immobilize someone, and with how incredibly broken the break free mechanic is. You are just gonna stay frozen until you die 99% of the time. Don't you worry tough, because Bungie had the genius idea of allowing you to be re-frozen over and over again with no cooldown or a limit.
Mayhem does nothing but highlight how broken Stasis is. Stasis was broken when it first came and is still broken. Who would have guessed that giving a person the ability to stop a person completely with the press of a button, would have been a huge mistake.
Also doesn't help that Bungie the geniuses that they are, nerfed Stasis in pve after the feedback from pvp. Before you say that they nerfed it in pve because it was to powerful, do remember that they themselves said that they spend a lot of time making sure that it felt good in pve, they buffed it over and over again until they were satisfied with it. And yet due to it being to powerful in another game mode, they somehow thought that it was to powerful in pve.
I have been saying that since beyond light dropped ... Remember pvp without stasis ? Oh man , pvp was so fun .
You’re complaining about silence and squall? Out of everything wrong with the game you complain about a buggy super?
They’re a bit annoying in mayhem (especially the new warlock turret chest piece) but freeze isn’t as good in general crucible as you might think. Stasis gives 50% DR against primary weapons in PvP. This means you either need to also spend special ammo too in order to get the kill or follow it up with a melee ability. This means outside of very close range, stasis freeze is only around 40-50 damage - similar to light abilities.
How is it any different from a special weapon that stops someone in 1 button press , snipers shotguns fusions slugs you name it.
작성자: Ghaul Khvostov The Unmakr 12/8/2024 3:32:47 PMPerhaps you need to get over it and get better rather than b!7ch and moan about it. There are ways to counter it.
Played some Mayhem and faced a little clique of Hunters and Warlocks…who managed to ‘freeze’ my whole team out of contention. By that, I mean, their combined teamwork and excellent play, and well-timed use of Supers + their obvious upper tier PvP skills, and rotating movements, were a pain in the a$$ to try and counter - we couldn’t, but were also a joy to behold! That was a fun game! 👌 Otherwise, getting frozen nonstop…frozen in my rocket man super…chased nonstop by endless red whirlwinds…etc…etc. - not so much! 🫤 This old tortoise enjoys Mayhem! 👈 That is all. Ease Springs! 🫡
stasis is fine, just twinker with the cooldowns a bit what could be removed from my lobbies are asian and african region players, im sorry but -blam!- right off ping abusing scum bungie sucks off 100 bucks to everyone every year, get this game dedicated servers alerady
작성자: nonchalantone 12/8/2024 7:40:25 PMIt's MAYHEM bro. Smh. As my Great, great grandma used to say...(With her one leg, and hip replacement, among other factors).... You mf'erz will cry about anything! 😆 Go have a Snicker''re not you after a game of Mayhem.
FREELANCE or bust - 오래됨
So many are focused on this one little statement that you made on mayhem.. where you just said it further amplifies the problem... you gotta understand some of these posters are trolls that hate pvp and some are like literally rocks that amazingly figured out how to log into a forum... You are totally correct about everything that results in a Freeze in PVP. I would say it is exactly at the Beyond Light (Stasis Introduction) where they split off the PVP team/testers out to various projects and decided F-it crystals and freezing are cool. No playtester in gaming would not give feedback that.. you know its pretty frustrating to be frozen.. like not "oh you beat me" but like oh this is not fair.. this is not PVP.. you are treating me like a red bar in the game. 100% agree with you -
Bungie, buff stasis purely in spite of this post. Those damned hunter decoys can go, though.