Can you ever balance hunters in crucible? Are you capable of that?
What seems like for the past 4 years, hunters have just been an absolute menace in the crucible. They've always been very good throughout the history of Destiny. But lately, there seems to be few things for other classes to counter their playstyles with. Since you looooooove your "numbers", have you noticed that in trials, hunters have made up the majority of player for the past few years every single week? This is according to trials report. I honestly cannot remember the last time warlocks or titans surpassed hunter usage. It's not even that other classes aren't good in their own right, it's just that hunters always seem to have some sort of ability or build that I can only describe as cheesy - little effort with maximum reward. Hunters genuinely make crucible unenjoyable for me. Hence why I hardly play crucible anymore.