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8/21/2013 6:57:56 PM

The Elder Scrolls Online: Now P2P

So... they just came out and announced that TES Online will have a subscription. $15 a month, the first month free when you buy the game itself (so not really 'free'). I was excited for this game. I can honestly say there's zero chance of me getting it now, which really bums me out. Anybody else disappointed by the news? Thoughts on it? Just figured I'd spread the news since I don't see a thread on it. [url=,44578,3026853.html]Link for the curious[/url], shared by the The Elder Scrolls page itself. I'm so bummed out.

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  • More frustrating to me is that they still want $60 for the game up front. Personally, if you're going to put a subscription model on your game, I don't think you should be asking consumers to shell out that kind of money right off the bat. By the end of the year, anyone who buys Elder Scrolls Online will have payed almost 4 times as much for it than any other game on a console. That's insane.

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    1 답변
    • I think the old MMO P2P model is so archaic. I would prefer a B2P model. F2P can happen, but I think it would be better if they were ALL B2P then decide if they wanted to go F2P. They could do in-game purchases which would be fine. As well as making DLC, and Expansions for profit. P2P is only going to be less prevalent when the MMO community refuses these practices. This isn't the 90's or early 2000's where server upkeep, and online multiplayer is revolutionary.

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    • Just wait for it to go F2P. Just like every other MMO that tries to work.

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    • 작성자: M37h3w3 8/21/2013 8:53:12 PM
      After looking over the posts in this thread the general conclusion I'm coming to is this: "I wanted something for nothing."

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      6 답변
      • Well I will say I was "interested." But, I figured there would be a subscription fee as it is a MMO and a development teams stays on the project. For $15 a month I'll pass and wait for the next Elder Scrolls game to come out in 3-4 years.

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      • Hell..... No. I will wait for the modding community to make a F2P Offline mod, and then buy it.

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        2 답변
        • I remember all the time I spent on Phantasy Star Universe on the 360. That required a subscription. I threw a hell of a lot of time down on that game. But now that it's been shut down, I s'pose I found something else to throw 15 bucks at every month. I'm okay with this.

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        • The thing about MMOs, is that the people who play them, usually play them exclusively for months at a time. So it actually come out cheaper for them and they can afford to pay the subscription since they don't play any other games. It's pretty hard to play an MMO along with other games though, they are designed to take up a lot of time.

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        • I really can't see The Elder Scrolls Online staying P2P for long. Nights of the Old Republic went free after a while. Really the only paid MMO that can stay P2P is Wow and those other ones...EVE? Not a PC gamer so iffy on already existing P2P games.

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          7 답변
          • Coming from only playing pc to PS3 I am not to concerned with the whole subscription fee. But what I am worried about is the fact that the game costs the same amount as any other game when first buying it. Kinda seems that I've just been doubleslapped with that IMO

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          • Watch this game go F2P within 18 months after launch.

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          • Ok to clarify, The P2P business model is fine for PC gamers who are accustomed to playing a few games. The P2P model however completely nullifies any previous attempts to market to the console gamers (Me). -The "Next-Gen" consoles will cost a pretty penny. -Both Online models will require their own subscription/ fee. -Console gamers also play many games regularly. All of these things further dissuade console to commit to a primary game which requires its own subscription (whatever the cost). Heck, only about 20% of console gamers even buy DLC. Zenimax has done some serious overhaul of Elder Scroll Online since their Console announcement. Most of those changes are to make the game more attractive to the millions of Xbox players that made Skyrim the 2nd most played Xbox game (behind Cod). (sorry PlayStation gamers, Bethesda left you to die). Basically, many of the PC gamers reading this will be unfazed by the $15 a month subscription fee, others like Console gamers just canceled their pre-orders. Not to jump into something I know little about, but the F2P model is generally redden with play-to-win advertisements and so on, making it an obvious bad choice. I think ZeniMax Online Studios and Bethesda should have gone with the Guild Wars: Buy then Play approach if they really wanted to avoid all this backlash

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          • I better break the news to my friends.

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          • Isn't this game coming out for the X1? Would you have to pay for XBL and the Elder Scrolls fee?

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            3 답변
            • 작성자: JohnnyLovesYou 8/22/2013 5:11:33 PM
              Was never interesting anyway. Looks like a generic MMO with Elders Scrolls label slapped on for sales. If they were smart they'd actually emulate what people were really excited for: an actually Elders Scrolls game set in a persistent world. Oh well.

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              5 답변
              • I'm not surprised. Recently the only MMO to be released that was buy-to-play was Guild Wars 2. As soon as Wildstar announced it was sub based I knew TES Online would do the same - they would have nothing to lose by being sub based now and going free-to-play down the line (even if they say that's not a plan). Just another prime example of revs not understanding gamers or the market anymore.

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              • Can you imagine on next gen consoles? Monthly internet fee for your home + $50/$60 a year for online play on your console + $60 to buy the game + $180 a year subscription fee That's [i]insane.[/i]

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              • Why is WoW the only one allowed to charge and get away with it? Sure.. their numbers are dying slowly.. Unless you are an Xbox One player, why does it hurt so much to pay $15 a month? The PS4 won't force you to pay PS+ to play that game online if the developer doesn't want to be behind PS+. Free to Play is cool.. but it ghettos up the game and makes it feel trashy in my opinion.

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              • I have no idea how anyone could be surprised by this.

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              • I am super disappointed at the news. I may still pick it up but I'll have to wait and see. To be honest I had some majorly flawed logic/outlook where if it was PC only I would have paid but since it's eventually coming to the Xbox I didn't want to pay. What's with that?

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                2 답변
                • 작성자: Progo 8/21/2013 8:59:23 PM
                  $15 a month? Whoa that's as bad as Warcraft... I'm seriously reconsidering getting it now.

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                • Major turn off. Not even going to get this game now.

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                • $15 lolno I've never been into MMO's really and the monthly cost doesn't make me want to play it. I'm sticking to my modded Skyrim until TES VI.

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                • Well looks like I will be waiting a year or so for them to make the inevitable switch too f2p. Sad really, I was looking forward to it.

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                • Yeh I ain't paying $15 a month for a game. No thanks.

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