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작성자: TopWargamer 1/28/2014 2:38:20 AM

Massive EVE Online battle happening RIGHT NOW [LIVE] Read to understand: [quote]Because this is EVE, the intrigue leading up to one of these rumbles is often more entertaining than the fight itself—especially when it gets so large that time itself has to slow down to account for all the ships in the area of operation. According to an email EVE Online sent out today, more than eight Titans—these are the real bad mofos of the EVE fleet, capable of equipping a superlaser—have already been destroyed in the Battle of System B-R5RB. The belligerents are, once again, the N3 Coalition and the Cluster-blam!- Coalition (CFC), with other alliances assisting both sides. What touched off this battle? A missed bill payment, basically. "Earlier today an alliance in the N3 coalition missed a bill payment for the system where Pandemic Legion is staging and storing their fleets," writes EVE. "This missed bill caused sovereignty to drop across the system leaving the station vulnerable to capture. Seizing the opportunity, the CFC (Goonswarm Federation, Razor Alliance, Black Legion and the Initiative) and Russian Coalition (Solar Fleet, Darkness of Despair and Against ALL Authorities) captured the station."[/quote] [u]Notes[/u] -Started from a missed bill payment from the N3 Coalitiom, which "caused sovereignty to drop across the system leaving the station vulnerable to capture." -N3 Coalition vs Cluster-blam!- Coalition (CFC) -CFC (Goonswarm Federation, Razor Alliance, Black Legion and the Initiative) and the Russian Coalition (Solar Fleet, Darkness of Despair and Against ALL Authorities) captured the station. -SO FAR, 57 TITANS have been destroyed in the battle -OVER $430,000 worth of damage SO FAR, in TITANS ALONE The battle is still going on as I type this up, and you can catch all of the action LIVE right here on Twitch: Sit back and enjoy the epic carnage that is EVE Online.

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