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작성자: Babyrancher 5/28/2014 4:12:16 PM

Split Bungie Accounts

So I created a Bungie account when I was playing Halo 3 and honestly haven't used it in quite a while. Probably since Reach...? Anyway, I switched over to PS4 and pre-ordered Destiny and ended up creating a new Bungie account because I couldn't remember the old one. At this point, I have both my XBOX and PS4 account linked to THIS profile, but it doesn't look like any of the codes I have redeemed (including the collector's cards and beta access) came with the PS4 account I thought they were linked to. Is there anyway to move these around or do I have to keep using two Bungie accounts? Also, should I link up my PS4 profile with the Bungie account I used to redeem the codes or will it not make a difference? Right now, that profile with all the codes is linked to my Google account only. Frankly, any information would be much appreciated! Please let me know if there's anything I can clarify.

게시물 작성 언어:


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  • Hey there Babyrancher, All the information you need is right here in our [url=]FAQ for Linking/Unlinking Accounts[/url]. This is the section you're looking for: [b]I have TWO User Profiles, how I do combine/merge my login methods together?[/b] [quote]1.) Decide on the User Profile that you're going to use. 2.) Login on the "secondary User Profile" that you're not going to use. 3.) You must have at least two ways to connect to that secondary User Profile. If you don't, create a shell account (through [url][/url] or [url][/url]) and link that to your secondary User Profile. If you already have an additional authentication method to sign in through, skip ahead. 4.) Sign into your secondary account [u]through the shell account[/u], unlink the other authentication methods(s) you want to put on your "main" User Profile. 5.) Sign in to your "main" User Profile and link the previously "unlinked" authentication method(s) to your preferred user profile.[/quote] A few additional notes about your scenario: 1. Destiny Beta Reservation Codes are redeemed on user profiles, not authentication methods. You cannot "transfer or swap" them around. 2. If you want to link all your authentication methods (Microsoft, PSN, Google+) on a single user profile, you would need to follow the above steps to do so. I'd recommend using the user profile with your Google+ linked to it as your "main" account, since that's the one you redeemed your Destiny Beta Reservation Code on. 3. More clarification can be found on our [url=]Destiny Beta FAQ thread[/url] regarding Destiny Reservation Codes. I would recommend that you read through our threads and get your accounts set up the way you'd like. If you need assistance, just let us know and we can help you. [url=] Information Desk[/url] | [url=] FAQ[/url] | [url=]Destiny Beta FAQ[/url]

    게시물 작성 언어:


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