So this is just a topic where people can share issues with the website in general. I think we can all agree that it looks [i]GORGEOUS[/i], but there are some things that are good, some things that are bad, and some things that are honestly just plain strange that we should definitely bring to Bungie's attention.
Feel free to post below with your issues. [b]If at all possible, please try to remain civil or you won't be taken seriously. Bashing into the topic saying "OMG BUNGI Y CANT I JOIN CLANS THIS GAME SUX FUK U GUYS" is [u]not constructive[/u], nor does it accomplish anything but let you embarrass yourself.[/b]
Other than that, post away!
[i]PS: If you can manage to take a quick desktop snapshot of the issue, that may (or may not) prove to resolve the issue quicker. Just a thought. [/i]
I think that they are working on the bugs actually because like 2 days ago no one could sign in and now it's working pretty well with a lil bit of bugs but I have faith this will be a very good website/community.
First and foremost, what I imagine is a minor script fix: when you begin to post a comment or a new topic and you accidentally leave the page, there is no splash screen that asks whether you're sure you want to leave. [u]I'm asking Bungie whether it would be possible to implement a little warning screen before you accidentally leave your comment / new topic page so you don't lose all your work.[/u]
What I mean by this is that if I had left while typing this comment, it would just let me leave with no warning or asking if I'm sure I'm okay with my entire post getting deleted. When you click the back button in your browser it doesn't go back to your in-progress comment either so it ends up getting lost forever.
I feel as though with the Beta approaching and the month we have between the end of the beta and the retail release, it might be a solid idea to get that implemented. A lot of folks will be typing large texts to explain, guide, or otherwise just discuss Destiny and it kinda sucks when you lose 1500+ character posts because you accidentally clicked your notifications box.